
Thursday, June 28, 2012


     Animal State | Koala | Typical and New South Wales Koala weights are 12 kg (26 lb) for men and 8.5 kg (19 lb) for women. In tropical and subtropical Queensland, but the Koala is smaller (about 6.5 kg (14 lb) for an average male and just over 5 kg (11 lb) for an average woman), a lighter gray many times color rather scruffy, and has shorter hair thinner. In Queensland the Koala was previously considered subspecies P. cinereus adustus and intermediate forms in New South Wales as P. cinereus cinereus classified. Koala can...


     Animal State | Piranha | Piranhas are found in the Amazon basin, the Orinoco, in rivers of Guyana, Paraguay-Paraná and São Francisco River Systems. Piranhas were also found in the lake in southern Bangladesh Kaptai. Serrasalmus, Pristobrycon and Pygopristis Pygocentrus are the most easily recognized by their individual teeth. All piranhas have a single row of sharp teeth in the two jaws, the teeth are tight and locking (by means of small cusps) and are used for the rapid punching and shearing. Individual teeth are typically...

Monday, June 25, 2012


Animal State | Kangaroo | The word derives from the word kangaroo gangurru Guugu Yimithirr with reference to the gray kangaroos. Guugu Yimithirr is the language of the locals. A common myth about English name of the kangaroos that "kangaroo" is a phrase Guugu Yimithirr was "I do not understand you. The local responded "Kangaroo", meaning "I do not understand", which Cook took the name of the creature. The Kangaroo myth was debunked in the 1970s by linguist John B. Haviland, in his research with people Yimithirr Guugu. Kangaroos are often colloquially...


   Animal State | Lion | The biggest name, similar in many Romance languages, comes from Latin and ancient greek λέων Leo (Leon) is derived. Today only eight subspecies usually are accepted, even if one of these, the Cape lion, formerly known as Panthera leo melanochaita described, is probably not valid. While the state of the Asiatic lion (P. persica L.) is a subspecies universally accepted, the systematic relationships among the African lions are not yet fully understood. Mitochondrial variation in living African lion seems to...

Sunday, June 24, 2012


     Animal State | Camel | The average life expectancy of a camel is 40 to 50 years. The hump rises about 75 cm (30 in) from his body.  Male dromedaries have an organ called Dulla unusual in his neck, a large inflatable bag is extruded out of his mouth when in heat, to assert dominance and attract females. Most of the camels survive today are cultivated or wild, shortly after his return to the wild. Along with everyone else, but megafauna bison in North America, the original wild camels were exterminated during the...


     Animal State | Armadillo | Armadillos are prolific researchers with sharp claws. Many species use their sharp claws to dig for food such as larvae, and dig burrows. The nine tracks Armadillo prefers to build burrows in moist soil near streams, rivers and streams around which it lives and feeds. The diet of different armadillo species varies, but consists mainly of insects, worms and other invertebrates. Some species, however, feeds almost exclusively on ants and termites. In common with other xenarthrans, armadillos typically...


   Animal State | Leopard | Leopards are agile and stealthy predator. Males are about 30% larger than females with a weight of 30-91 kg (66-200 pounds), compared to 23 to 60 kg (51 to 130 pounds) for women. The subspecies of leopards tiny as a whole, the Arabian leopard (P. p. Nimr), from the deserts of the Middle East, with adult females of this race with a weight under 17 kg (37 lb). Other major means by which males can weigh up to 91 kg (200 lb), the Sri Lankan leopard (P. p. Kotiya) and the Anatolian leopard (P. p. Tulliana)....

Friday, June 22, 2012


   Animal State | Giraffe | The giraffe has the name of the first of his famous Arabic Zarafa , perhaps by some African language name translates as "fast-walkerIt 's also possible that the word derives from the name of the Italian form of animal giraffe Geri Somali born in 1590. The modern English developed around 1600 by French Giraffe. The species name camelopardalis is a Latin word. The giraffe is one of the two living species of the family Giraffidae, the other is the okapi. From here, the giraffe have evolved and often, about...


  Animal State | Eagle | Eagles are large birds of prey and is powerful, with a heavy head and beak. Even the smallest eagles, like the eagle (which is comparable in size to a buzzard or red-tailed hawk), the wings are relatively longer and more uniformly broad and more direct, faster flight. Species listed as eagles vary in size from South Nicobar Serpent Eagle, 450 g (1 lb) and 40 cm (16 inches) to 6.7 kg (14.7 lbs) Sun Eagle Steller and 100 cm (39 inches) Filipino Eagle. Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large beaks hooks...


  Animal State | Zebra | Zebra horses ran from the Old World in the last 4 million years. Grevy's zebras (and perhaps even mountain zebras) are means by burros and donkeys on a separate line of the other zebras lineages.This either scratched horses that developed more than once, or that the common ancestor of zebras and donkeys were striped zebras, and only kept the strips. The animals had robust zebra-like bodies and short, narrow skull, as the donkey. Grevy's zebra also has a skull of a donkey, like. The Hagerman horse is also known...


  Animal State | Cheetah | The genus name, Acinonyx, means "no-move-claw" in Greek, while the species name, jubatus, means "sleeves" in Latin, a reference to the mane found in cheetah cubs. Cheetah has unusually low genetic variability. The small of a number of sperm motility is accompanied, and scourges deformed skin grafts between unrelated cheetahs illustrate the former point, there is no rejection of the donor skin. Recent research has placed the last common ancestor of all existing populations, such as living in Asia 11...